New and Used Shot Blasting Machines and Spare Parts for All Needs


Safety Points Before Using Shot Blasting Machine

Blasting is a specialized job involved a lot of hazards which often lead to accidents. There are many forms of risk associated with blasting work. Before beginning the work,employers should identify the hazards and assign a knowledgeable person who know the functioning of shot blasting machine trained to recognize hazards and with the authority to quick take corrective actions to remove them.

Shot Blasting Machine  Safety measures should be taken before using shot blasting machine are:

  • Provide training to shot blasters and support personnel on blasting health and safety hazards how to use control,personal hygiene practises and safe work practices.
  • Safety Points Before Using Shot Blasting Machine
  • Shot blasting operation can create a high level of dust and noise. shot blasting material and the surface being blasted may contain toxic materials that are harmful to workers. So respirator masks/helmet and safety glasses should be used to protect against nuisance type dust. Also must cover the worker's head ,neck and shoulder to protect the worker from rebounding abrasive.
  • Review the blast area and security plan because the blast area is the area having the potential for flying material air overpressure can cause injury to a person. Review the communicating system used between blaster and blast area security personnel.
  • Ensure that Machine is in good condition,fuel system of the machine is free from leakage. Blaster should be experienced.
  • Use blast room or blast cabinet for smaller operations. Use restricted areas for non-enclosed blasting operations.Use exhaust ventilation system.
  • Acknowledge the shot is properly loaded and secured. Steel grit shot have less potential to cause lung damage.So always use less toxic shots blasting material.Always use blasting material that can be delivered with water to reduce dust.
  • Do not use compressed air to clean as this will create dust in the air. To prevent the spread of any hazardous material we should avoid blasting in windy conditions.

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