Searching For a Shot Blasting Machine for Your Industry? Know About it first
Shot blasting is very vital in today's world when you are dealing with treatment, retreatment and preparing surface for all that industrial work as usual. Manual labor is time consuming and not that effective so the obvious choice is a good shot blasting machine. But that's not all, before craving in for an obviously economical machine for your plant, some important factors come to play before settling down with the best shot blasting machine.
We know the basic function of a shot blasting machine is colliding shots of abrasive media onto the target surface with the objective of having a fine treated layer but the compressive strength comes from the blast wheel that resides in the heart of the machine. If you need greater area coverage, you need a wider nozzle and a more powerful machine. You need to determine the type of work you intend to do with your blasting machine because this choice will alter your equipment selection.
There are Some Important Facts that you Must Know Before Buying a Shot Blasting Machine:
- Know your Project: Smaller work needs a smaller machine and huge industrial work warrants bigger blasting machines because the kind of power, compressed force and coverage area you need will determine the selection and capacity of the machine. While air blasting machine is for factory working like abrasing metal for smaller parts in which the coverage area is limited, wheelblasting machines are more impactful, forceful and used for bigger machinery parts that usually require extensive compressive strength and a wider area of abrasion.
- Purpose of Assignment: There are different capacity machines in the market available today. Some machines can do softer blasting, while others are meant to be used in different applications using different media like polishing, peening or rough abrasion. What type of media you need to use must be reciprocated to the machine manufacturer so that you can get the best fit for your choice.
- Material Surface: Surface preparation requires equivalent force and media usage. Depending upon the type of material thickness to treat or polish, the machine should be chosen because each type of machine has varying approach to surface preparation along with the production rate you mean to achieve.
- Machine Performance: While selecting a shot blasting machine, a lot of performance will depend on its power consumption which must be well read and should equate with other types of machines because higher power usage will increase your working cost.
- Equipment Knowledge: It is of prime importance to know what is the degree of impact of abrasive scraping on the machine parts. Friction of media scrapes the inner fender of a shot blasting machine so it is of prime importance to select a good fender that can resist the high force of scratching from media for a longer life.
- Machine Cleaning: It must be known how easy it is to clean every serviceable part of the machine, its assembly and dust protection because media residues that remain inside the hose and other parts can absorb moisture and impair the machine's working
- Budget: We must justify the cost of the machine with the work we do. An expensive machine for petty work it not a sound option.
If you do lot of surface preparation for different assignments, then buying a good machine is valuable.